Big Island Intentional Communities
Together We Can!
Foundation For Intentional Community
Federation Of Egalitarian Communities
Creating a Life Together
by Diana Leafe Christen
Creating a Life Together gets into the nuts and bolts of what it means to come together and build a intentional living environment.

“People use drugs, legal and illegal, because their lives are intolerably painful or dull. They hate their work and find no rest in their leisure. They are estranged from their families and their neighbors. It should tell us something that in healthy societies drug use is celebrative, convivial, and occasional, whereas among us it is lonely, shameful, and addictive. We need drugs, apparently, because we have lost each other.” ―
Big Island Intentional Communities
Welcome to the Big Island Intentional Communities guide!
The goal is help connect you with the intentional communities on the Big Island.
The Puna region of the Big Island is unique in all of Hawaii for its prominent off grid, back to the land attitude. Along with that attitude comes people who desire intentional community opportunities.
You will find a substantial number of communities throughout the east side of the Big Island.
Establishing a functional & flourishing intentional community is an accomplishment that many are unable to claim.
Sharing space within a community requires heightened awareness, an accountability for individual actions, choice of words, and a solid commitment to improving the quality of life for all involved.
Below we have a list of some of the active communities on the Big Island. There is also the International Communities directory which is a great resource for intentional communities around the world.
Asante' Gardens
The mission of Asanté Gardens is to live sustainably and joyfully as a tribal group in a permaculture-based, tropical food forest environment. Our goal is to create a place of holistic and experiential education, by becoming a self-sustaining, thriving, model ecovillage.
Belly Acres - Hawaii's Volcano Circus
Hawaii`s Volcano Circus (HVC) mission is to organize, conduct, and maintain a company of performing circus artists for educational, cultural, instructive and entertainment purposes while owning and operating a cultural and educational center for performing circus artists.
Gaia Yoga
We are an intentional community on the big island of Hawaii devoted to creating and enjoying a truly-free culture and consciousness.
Gentle World
The mission of Asanté Gardens is to live sustainably and joyfully as a tribal group in a permaculture-based, tropical food forest environment. Our goal is to create a place of holistic and experiential education, by becoming a self-sustaining, thriving, model ecovillage.
At Kalanimua, six Hawaiian values serve as inspiration and an opportunity for reflection as we pursue our mission. Although these simple definitions are limited by translations into English, we believe the deep meaning behind each can still have a profound effect on each of us and spark a curiosity to learn more of the ʻŌlelo Hawai‘i (Hawaiian Language).
We are a small, family-style, egalitarian, intentional community on the big island of Hawai’i. Staying with us is a vibrant immersion in our community lifestyle. Many visitors find it transformative and life-changing.
Malu 'Aina
Malu ‘Aina (Land of Peace) is the Hawaiian name given to the Center for Non-Violent Education and Action, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization
Malu ‘Aina located ten miles south of the city of Hilo on the Big Island of Hawai’i. Malu ‘Aina is a spiritual community based on peace, justice and sustainable organic farming.
New Culture Hawaii
No Gurus and No Dogma. We've found that no single human technology or practice can encompass the human experience; our goal is to build a *culture* in which insights drawn from many sources are common knowledge, *available* but not imposed.
Permaculture Foundation of Hawaii
The foundation’s mission is to apply, promote, and advance the principles of Permaculture through research and development, education, demonstration projects, and preservation of ecological, artistic and cultural diversity.