Power of support
Intentional Communities Hawaii
Tribal Family
Together We Can
Intentional Communities Hawaii Style
I have had a few intentional community experiences in my life and I am definitely better person because of them. Participating in an intentional community is valueable for a number of reasons.
The goal within intentional community section is to provide you with information about intentional community and leads for intentional communities in Hawaii. You will find this page has:
- Links to community pages by island
- Links to the big representatives of intentional / egalitarian style communities
- Creating a Life Together, boo
- YouTube video on intentional community
The intentional community lifestyle is woven into the rich historical landscape of Hawai'i. The ahupua'a is a Hawaiian approach to building sustainable community, bringing people and the land together. Island Earth – Ahupua'a System video trailer.
People who thrive on the idea of living a life built from their own hands in cooperation with others gravitate toward the islands.
Hawaiian intentional communities are diverse. There are permaculture oriented groups who focus on implementing permaculture design principles. Communities may chose to focus on developing their spiritual path, or possibly unite around nourishing food choices.
*It should be said that not all communities are created equally, even when the intention is equality. We are dealing with human beings.
A would suggest developing a paradoxical position of being incredibly open, willing to step outside of comfort zones and particpate in activities or methodologies that aren't familiar, while also having a strong sense of personal self worth, empowerment, and a willingness to protect oneself if/when a situation becomes unhealthy or abusive.
It can be hard to clearly identify when a situation is pushing boundaries in a healthy way or if it has become toxic. Developing a community isn't easy. Participating in community isn't easy. Becoming a healthy person isn't easy, especially when our stereotypical environment isn't exactly operating on healthy principles.
All of this gets baked into intentional community, as people with good intentions attempt to navigate their own past and reshape living environments based on desired principles.
Like I said, a paradoxical ability to function with an open heart and a warrior's protective stance is a healthy goal. I have gratitude for all the communal experiments, our ability to draw from their actions is invaluable. Try, try again.

What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.”
– Kurt Vonnegut
Nice intentional communities Tedx Talk.
Foundation For Intentional Community
The Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC) has over 35 years of partnership with hundreds of intentional communities around the world. At a time when people are desperate for more social connection and answers to complex problems, intentional communities offer hope in an increasingly broken world.
Federation of Egalitarian Communities
The Federation of Egalitarian Communities is a network of communal groups spread across North America. We range in size and emphasis from small agricultural homesteads to village-like communities to urban group houses.
Creating A Life Together
By Diana Leafe Christan
Creating a Life Together gets into the nuts and bolts of what it means to come together and build a intentional living environment.
Finding Community
Finding community is as critical as obtaining food and shelter, since the need to belong is what makes us human. The isolation and loneliness of modern life have led many people to search for deeper connection, which has resulted in a renewed interest in intentional communities. These intentional communities or ecovillages are an appealing choice for like-minded people who seek to create a family-oriented and ecologically sustainable lifestyle―a lifestyle they are unlikely to find anywhere else.
Collective Manifestation
Collective Manifestation is part practical self-help guide, part inspiring social-change manifesto, part experiment in consciousness, designed to help individuals, groups and teams (online and off) to expand their vision and potential, while contributing to evolutionary manifestations of love, peace and plenty around the globe. This book is a game changer!
We are at a pivotal time in human history in which heart vision is paramount. No longer is there a division between our inner self and outer self. And, how that truth is being expressed in the world, and changing everything for the better, is a remarkable story!
- Collective Manifestation takes community development to an entirely new level by identifying the primary energy shifts inspiring people to connect in newly collaborative and creative ways. And, it offers practical exercises designed to help groups and team align their values and needs, and identify their primary focuses for a cohesive foundation to action.
- For fans of the law of attraction, the 11 keys to collective manifestation reveal the essential components to becoming a conscious force for good. It's important to understand all stages of manifestation – both the unseen realm of intention planting and idea germination, and the seen realm of physical manifestation.
- The book shares five empowering intuitive processes that enable you to play with co-creation in the invisible realm of manifestation, rather than merely reacting to surface life conditions.
American Community
Mainstream notions of the “American Dream” usually revolve around the ownership of private property, a house of one’s own. Yet for the past 400 years, a large number of Americans have dared to dream bigger and bolder, choosing to live in intentional communities that pooled resources, and they worked to ensure the well-being of all their members.
American Community takes us inside forty of the most interesting intentional communities in the nation’s history, from the colonial era to the present day. You will learn about such little-known experiments in cooperative living as the Icarian communities, which took the utopian ideas expounded in a 1840 French novel and put them into practice, ultimately spreading to five states over fifty years. Plus, it covers more recent communities such as Arizona’s Arcosanti, designed by architect Paolo Soleri as a model for ecologically sustainable living.
Hawaii Resources
Sustainable Tourism
Want to investigate the organizations and associations that are helping guide ecotourism and sustainable travel in Hawaii?

‘I am because we are; we are because I am.' “