Growing Asian Medicinal Plants – UH Maui
We have an up and coming event which we are hoping you will be as excited about as we are! Michael Howden, L.Ac., Permaculture Designer and myself have invited renowned horticulturist Peg Schafer of Petaluma, CA, owner of The Chinese Medicinal Herb Farm and author of The Chinese Medicinal Herb Farm: A Cultivator's Guide to Small Scale Organic Herb Production to come to Maui January 27th-29th of 2017 to present a three day Chinese medicinal farm and garden workshop at the UH Maui College.
This program, consisting of a Friday evening talk story and Saturday-Sunday workshop will be of interest to growers, practitioners, students and all those interested in the changing market of contemporary Asian herbal medicine.
Friday evening will cover production of Asian medicinal plants including an overview of the US market, perspectives on the history and future, cultivation and other pertinent issues affecting practitioners and growers today.
The weekend workshop will discuss how to get started, crop selection for the Hawaiian islands, harvesting and drying botanicals for best clinical results. Local experts Michael Howden and Jenny Pell will contribute their knowledge and perspectives.