Farmer's Market Maui – Getting Juicy

The Hawaii Eco Living website redesign begins, Farmer's Market Maui is one of the first sections to see a facelift.

A few of the new exciting features, other than sheer aesthetic beauty that seems to be birthing, are the Google maps feature, individual listings for each farmer's market, and a weekly schedule.

The Google maps feature is sweet for everyone but especially for those who aren't familiar with the names of any particular area on the island.  Anyone can move around the island and click on the pins to see an address, a name, and get a link to the page that will represent that market.

Maybe it is Tuesday and someone really wants to go to a market, all they have to to do is click on the expandable “Tuesday” icon and a list of markets will appear.  Each link in the day of the week section connects to the page that represents that market for additional details.

Then there is the section that is broke into general Maui geographical areas: central, upcountry, south, east, & west.  This will most likely suit those who are already familiar with the island and markets, these good folks are looking for a quick click to the market information we make available.

The Farmer's Market Maui section is not complete, it is under construction, I am excited to share the fact that development is happening and that there is much more to come.


I Could Use Your Help!

I would like to continue to build this section out to include dependable roadside farmer's stands.  When I say dependable I mean stands that stay stacked & maintained with regularity, we don't want people going on wild goose chases.

Any information that people can submit on any type of farmer's market or roadside stand or booth will be greatly appreciated.

I am also going to set up a secure channel for donations for the continued improvement of the site as a resource center and promotional voice of the eco minded crowd throughout the Hawaiian islands.

Any contribution will be appreciated!  Whether it is $1, $5, $20, $100, $1000; maybe your a farmer willing to provide weekly or bi-weekly produce, an artist wanting to donate a piece of art or uniquely crafted piece of jewelry or clothing.  I am open to the current of giving and receiving, I see this site having a grand future and bringing an opportunity to help spur growth within the eco community on the islands by connecting the local community and the world at large to our movement here.

If you know of anyone who is financially blessed that has a desire to see the eco community thrive on the islands I would be interested in having a sit down to talk story, share my vision, and see if there would be a mutually beneficial arrangement.  The goal is to see more people thrive communally among one another and to continue to renew or deepen our connection with the land base that provides the opportunity to experience this wonderful island lifestyle.

Plenty of goodness to come.  Mahalo!


Got something good to share, let me know.

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