Local Food, products, & Services
Farmers Market Oahu

Gathering Place
Farmers Market Oahu
The Farmers Market Hawaii section of the website will connect you to the nearest local farmer's market.
A unique charm can be felt when attending a local farmer's market. Waking in the morning, grabbing your favorite market basket, and heading off to mingle through the crowds can stimulate a sense of community connection. The electric buzz builds bouncing from booth to booth, saying hi to friendly faces and your favorite vendors. Soaking up the grand people show on display, real life entertainment.
A farmer's market is much more than produce & other food goods for your weekly meals. A farmer's market will often have a wide array of prepared foods, ready to plate up, sit down, and chow. Hopefully somebody is tickling guitar strings, singing a familiar tune, a perfect backdrop while you enjoy that delicious plated meal.
In addition to food, artists of all sorts offering their uniquely crafted pieces for sale, vendors that sell clothes, new & used home goods, & plants among a wide range of other items. Services like tree trimming, massage, or maybe an astrology or tarot card reading can also be found .
In whole, the farmer's market is community celebration, from young to old, people gather and enjoy the event as a collective.

Lettuce Turnip the Beet!
– Some Creative Person

How to use the Farmers Market Resources
Here is a quick run down on how the page is set up.
We are providing three ways to drill into the farmer's market information:
- First, visual map
- Second, selecting the day of the week
- Third, selecting the market directly from the list provided
The Google Map
The Google map is convenient to see where farmer's markets or road side stands are by geographic location. If you are not familiar with the names of locations this will help you identify markets by knowing your general area. From here you can scroll down and select the farmer's market.
Day of the Week
Maybe you are looking to attend a market on a particular day, use the toggle icon for the appropriate day and you will find a list of farmer's markets that are active for that day. You can select the name of the market and you will be directed to that market's home page.
Market By Name
If you are already familiar with the island and its neighborhoods you can bypass the map and day of the week chart. Simply head down to the listings which are broken into general geographic areas and select the market you want more information on.
Honolulu Farmers Market
Kakaako Farmers Market
Kapiʻolani Community College
Saturdays 7:30AM – 11:00AM
Kapiʻolani Community College
4303 Diamond Head Road
Mahiku Farmer's Market
Mahiku - Honolulu
Mahiku Farmer's Market - Hyatt
Mahiku Farmers Market
Mahiku Farmer's Market
Pearlridge Farmers Market
Haleiwa Farmers Market
North Shore Country Market
Kailua Town Farmers' Market
Mahiku Farmers Market - King's Village
People's Open Market - Old Stadium
People's Open Market - Makiki
People's Open Market - Palolo Valley
Kailua Farmer's Market
Kailua Farmer's Market
Manoa Marketplace Farmer's Market
(new temporary location in the parking lot along East Manoa Road near the Manoa Chevron)
Tuesday, Thrusday, Sunday 7am - 2pm
Kekaulike Farmers Market
1039 Kekaulike St
Monday through Saturday 9am - 5pm
Waialua Farmers Co-op Market
People's Open Market - Manoa
People's Open Market - Makiki
1527 Ke’eaumoku St, Honolulu
People's Open Market - Aina Moana
1201 Ala Moana Boulevard
People's Open Market - City Hall
650 S. King St.
People’s Open Market Waipahu District Park
94-230 Paiwa Street
People’s Open Market Wahiawā District Park
California Ave & N Cane St, Wahiawa
People’s Open Market Mililani District Park
94-1150 Lanikūhana Avenue
People's Open Market Kapiʻolani Park
People's Open Market Waimānalo Beach Park
41-741 Kalanianaʻole Hwy.
People's Open Market Kailua District Park
21 South Kainalu Drive
People's Open Market Kāneʻohe District Park
45-660 Keaʻahala Road
People's Open Market Hālawa District Park
99-795 Iwaiwa Street
People’s Open Market Ewa Beach Community
91-955 North Road
People’s Open Market Kaumualiʻi Street
700 Kalihi Street
People’s Open Market Kalihi Valley District
1911 Kamehameha IV Road
People’s Open Market Salt Lake Municipal Lot
5337 Likini Street
People’s Open Market Hawaiʻi Kai Park
300 Keāhole Street
People’s Open Market Kapolei Community
91-1049 Kamaaha Loop
People’s Open Market Royal Kunia Park
Kupuna Lp./Kupuohi St. Park & Ride
People’s Open Market Waikele Community
94-870 Lumiʻaina Street
Oahu Farmers Market By The Day
Mahiku Farmer's Market - Hyatt -4pm - 8pm
Mahiku Farmers Market - King's Village 4pm - 9pm
People's Open Market - Makiki - 8:30am - 9:30am
Kekaulike Farmers Market 9am - 5pm
People's Open Market Mānoa Valley District Park 6:45am - 7:45am
People’s Open Market Āina Moana (Magic Island) 10am - 11am
People’s Open Market City Hall 11:45 - 12:30pm
Honolulu Farmers Market 4pm - 7pm
Mahiku Farmer's Market - Hyatt -4pm - 8pm
Mahiku Farmer's Market - Ewa Beach -4pm - 8pm
Windward Mall Farmer's Market 2pm - 6pm
People's Open Market Old Stadium Park 8:15am -9:15am
People's Open Market - Palolo Valley - 6:30 -7:30am
People’s Open Market Kapiʻolani Park 10am - 11am
Kekaulike Farmers Market 9am - 5pm
Kapiolani Community College (KCC)
North Shore Country Market 8am - 12pm
Kekaulike Farmers Market 9am - 5pm
Waialua Farmers Co-op Market 8:30am - 1pm
People’s Open Market Kaumualiʻi Street 6:30am 9:30am
People’s Open Market Kalihi Valley District Park 10am - 10:45am
Hawaii Resources
Sustainable Tourism
Want to investigate the organizations and associations that are helping guide ecotourism and sustainable travel in Hawaii?

What Is Ecotourism
“The farmers markets were another step to giving people an opportunity to take more power over their own lives-and also to provide another outlet for organic produce. That is important because the production and distribution of food is increasingly being monopolized and controlled by large corporate structures, large financial structures.”
– Jerry Brown