Elderly hobbit Bilbo Baggins relinquishes possession of a golden ring possessing magical powers to Frodo, his youthful heir. Charged with casting the ring into the fires from which it was forged, the young hobbit begins an arduous trek across Middle-earth, accompanied by a stalwart band including his best friend Sam, the mercurial wizard Gandalf, the warrior Aragorn, and the blustery Gimli, among others. Opposed by the treacherous sorcerer Saruman and the demonic emissaries of Sauron, the Dark Lord, this ever-embattled Fellowship makes its way slowly toward the dark land of Mordor.
This movie is sponsored by the Friends of Kaimukī Public Library and is rated PG-13 for epic battle sequences and some scary images.
Program schedule is subject to change. Contact the library at least 10 days in advance to request a sign language interpreter or if special accommodations are needed.