We would like to hear from you!
Please join us for the 2019-2023 Strategic Planning Meeting Session on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at the Hawaii State Art Museum, Multi-Purpose Room, First Floor, from 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM.
This session is to collect broad, public input on how the SFCA should prioritize its time, efforts and resources to help arts and culture flourish in Hawai`i in its 2019-2023 strategic plan.
Please join our discussion and give input on the kinds of programs, services, resources and opportunities you would like to see the SFCA provide in your community, and across the state.
Refreshments will be provided!
RSVP today: https://goo.gl/forms/1RYmbVze8ei8NnNY2
For more information please contact:
Mary Lee, Ph. D
(808) 223-7391