Hawaiian Sanctuary is proud to present: Plant Aloha, a FREE educational series of sustainable farming classes. Every Thursday morning, from 9:00am until 12:30pm, with special Saturday monthly offerings, led by local and visiting experts. Visit our website for more information:
Each class starts promptly with a lecture and Q&A before hands-on farm learning ~ Come prepared with notepad and writing utensil, closed toed shoes, sun hat, and gloves.
Saturday, June 10th 2017 – 9:00am-1:00pm
The Wave Of the Future ~ Natural Farming Livestock with Mike DuPonte, Livestock and Natural Farming Extension Agent with the University of Hawaii.
Mike's purpose is to develop educational programs which improve market share strategies, feed production, herd health and nutrient waste management while transferring technical knowledge from research to industry. He has been involved with Natural Farming for the last seven years and constructed the first Inoculated Deep Litter System (IDLS) piggery in the United States.
Hawaiian Sanctuary – Laka Lounge
13-3194 Pahoa Kalapana Rd (Highway 130). Pahoa, HI 96778
Hawaii Island (Big Island)
Only about 1 Mile South of Pahoa Town.
Turn into the driveway at Mile Marker 12!
Plant Aloha is supported, in part, by the County of Hawaii, Research & Development. We are still looking for support to complete and enhance this amazing project. Please give what you can:
#hawaiiansanctuary #pahoa #hawaii #bigisland #puna #permaculture #sustainablefarming #sustainability #localfood #farmtotable #organicfarm #community #healthysoil #piggery #uh #animalfarming #naturalfarming #livestock #plantaloha