The North Kohala Public Library will host “Parenting for Prevention”. Chris Kelly, founder of Prevention PLUS, will offer important educational information about parenting drug-free kids in a drug-filled world.
This program is for parents, foster parents, guardians, family members, teachers, administrators, coaches, and counselors of all children from elementary school to college-age–not just those who are using drugs.
It will provide practical information about trends in teenage substance use and abuse. Attendees will learn how to deter experimentation, and how to detect and react if use does occur. Kelly will present the most up-to-date, science-based information to encourage healthy, sensible choices. The session will conclude with questions and answers.
Kelly has been a substance abuse specialist for more than 20 years, and has dedicated his life to prevention eduation because he knows prevention works, and he knows how difficult it is to recover from an addiction. For more information about Kelly and his work, please visit
Program schedule is subject to change. Program is intended for ages 12 and older. Contact the hosting library as soon as possible for further information on this program, or to request special accommodation: 889-6655.