Nēnē Readers is a reading club for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders that focuses solely on reading, enjoying, analyzing, and discussing Nēnē Award-nominated books.
To learn more about the Nēnē Award, please visit: http://nene.k12.hi.us/
Attend our club meeting to meet new people and share your thoughts about any Nēnē Award-nominated books that you've read.
If you can't make club meetings, that's okay. Read a nominated book and fill out a review card to let us know how you feel about the story. Nēnē Award-nominated books and review cards are available for pick-up during operating hours in the Children's Section.
Read and review 5 Nēnē Award-nominated books to win a prize pack and earn a ticket to the Voting Party in February!
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Libraries, Kona.
Program schedule is subject to change. For more information, or to arrange special accommodations, such as a sign language interpreter, please contact the hosting library as soon as possible: 327-4327.