Tucked away on the northern flank of Mauna Loa overlooking Maunakea is a white domed structure, where NASA is studying what it takes to live on Mars. This is the Hawai‘i Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS) program, which is aimed at researching issues related to how crews will function on long-duration missions to Mars. HI-SEAS creates missions and recruits crewmembers who live in the Mars-like habitat for periods ranging from four to twelve months, in order to better understand the planet’s living conditions. Learn more about this quest to make human life possible on the Red Planet at ‘Imiloa’s Maunakea Skies talk with Brian Shiro, Geology Lead at HI-SEAS on Friday, March 17 at 7:00pm.
Tickets: $10, $8 for members