Kahulanui (The Big Dance) is an inspiration passed down three generations. Band leader, guitarist, and vocalist Lolena Naipo Jr. remembers stories of his Grandfather who was a member of the Royal Hawaiian Band during an era when horns and drums were a part of Hawaiian music.”Throughout Hawaii in the 1920s and 1930s, one could find orchestras playing Hawaiian Swing and the house would be jumping.”
Joining Lolena onstage are Patrick Eskildsen on lead guitar, electric bass and vocals, Duke Tatom on ‘ukulele and vocals, and Tim Taylor on percussion. Of course the sensational horn section is comprised of Jesse Snyder on tenor sax, clarinet and flute, Bill Noble on alto sax and flute, Vincenzo D’Angelo on trombone, Joshua Timmons and Eldred Ahio on trumpet and laying down that classic Hawaiian sound, Dwight Tokumoto on Hawaiian steel guitar.
For the fist time ever Kahilu will be opening a limited space dance floor in the Mike Luce Studio during the performance.
Tickets Prices are $68/$48/$25
Tickets can be purchased online at Kahilutheatre.org, over the phone at (808) 885-6868, or in person at the Kahilu Theatre Box Office 67-1186 Lindsey Road, Kamuela Hi, 96743.