Please join us at Patagonia Haleiwa on Friday, November 6 at 6:30pm, the evening before our Waimea Valley Seed Exchange! Learn how to grow food in the space you occupy from innovative Hawaii Island farmer Anna Peach from Squash & Awe. Learn seed saving and sharing protocol from Lyn Howe of the Hawai'i Public Seed Initiative. Enjoy pupus from North Shore farms and the Patagonia Provisions sustainable line of food. Anna's thought provoking powerpoint presentation will certainly be followed by a solution oriented discussion about increasing local food production. @hawaiiseed @patagoniaprovisions @waihuenafarm @mohalafarm @koleafarm @kawailoafarm @tinroofranch @lokahinursery @hoouluaina #squashandawe #slowfoodinhawaii #saveseeds #northshorefarms #yearofthesoil #whatwelovewewillprotect #stoppoisoningparadise