Balance, Equanimity, and Carriage
Saturday February 20th
The world is waiting to carry us. The firmness of the ground,the atmosphere, the architecture, the people around us, our breath, everything supports, transports and holds us. We just need to become aware; be a witness and let go of a lot.
We explore all the poses and practices as paths to balance and equanimity; creating connection, finding ease and contentment in presence, throughout life. Mr. Iyengar writes about perfect carriage~ie. awareness, structural alignment and balance leading to dipping into the Lakes of Knowledge–an opening/transcendence.
We explore/discuss/embody 20 balance principles and numerous,enjoyable exercises to explore this mode of being,breathing and moving.
Alan Leon is an Oakland,California based yoga teacher. He is a graduate of Piedmont Yoga Studio's 2000 Advanced Studies Program lead by Richard Rosen and Rodney Yee. He has focused his celebratory teaching on Equanimity and Carriage in the last several years. He is also a muralist and uses yoga balance and restoratives to keep things running optimally.