Avocado Immersion
Learn all about Avos! How to grow, prune, and select trees for near year-round production. Also, learn how to grow and graft seedlings, proper harvesting, preservation, and more.
Grow Your Own Food Gardens
Thursday Mornings ~ Summer 2016 Permaculture Classes
Join us at Hawaiian Sanctuary Thursdays and learn how to connect with the land and grow your own food here in Hawaii. Permaculture tools and techniques focus on easy and practical ways to create food abundance at home! Every class there will be a blend of practical theory and hands on projects. Occasional free plant starts will be available too.
Hosted and co-facilitated by Wade Bauer and Hawaiian Sanctuary’s Steve Lund.
Class Format: ~ 9am, Lecture with Q & A ~ 10-12:15: Field Work ~ COME DRESSED AND READY WITH SUN HAT, NOTEBOOK, WATER BOTTLE & CLOSED TOED SHOES
∞ Cost: $15
For $5 more, join us for our farm-to-table vegetarian lunch.
Details: 1.5 hr class + 2 hr hands on project! Learn to garden efficiently using locally adapted plants and Permaculture techniques!
Register HERE: http://hawaiiansanctuary.com/event/hawaiian-planting-permaculture/all/
Teacher: Wade Bauer has taught Permaculture for over 10 years and is founder of Hawaii Edible Landscaping and Permaculture Design which provides consultation, design, and installation. Wade's farm Malama Aina Permaculture Site & School in Kapoho is focused on permaculture education and being a demonstration site modeling a locally appropriate sustainable homestead.
Contact: Wade Bauer 248-245-9483
Edible Landscaping & Permaculture Design
Malama Aina Permaculture Site & School