Regeneration Agroforestry Workshops for Farmers, Gardeners, Ranchers, Land Managers, Homeowners, Conservationists, Educators, Scientists, Policy Makers, and more!
August 20–25, 2017 — Part 1 || August 27–31, 2017 — Part 2
Hawi, North Kohala, Hawaii
These workshops will show you how to grow diverse and rich food forests by working with nature’s own strategies for abundance. By combining training in natural succession, species selection, design, implementation, and management together with hands-on experience on an active farm, you will gain new skills and knowledge that will transform the way you understand and practice agriculture. The workshops integrate multiple approaches to make regeneration of lands feasible both ecologically and economically. What you will learn can be applied at any scale, from home landscapes to any size farm, forest, or conservation project.