What Is Ecotourism
Ecotourism can have different meanings depending on who you are speaking to.With all the green buzz these days it is easy to get confused about what exactly the definition or standard is for anything “green, sustainable, or eco”.
When a trend or lifestyle path in our culture catches fire and begins to rise in popularity it is often targeted by big business. The popularity of the keywords or catch phrases can mean big dollars in terms of profitability and juicy looking bottom lines.
To be fair there is also a decent amount of what I like to think of as “green washing” coming from the other side of the eco coin. This is when certain activities, methods, or products aren't fully acknowledged for their total impact on the environment.
This isn't the time or place to dig into this topic but I'm sure we will visit it in future posts.
Know this about me, I am not an optimist or a pessimist but a realist with optimistic tendencies. I don't believe real progress can be made unless there is a willingness to be brutally honest about our reality.
Sugar coating things to make ourselves feel good isn't going to serve anyone, especially those without a voice that often pay the dearest.
I will do my best to strike a balance with my razor sharp realism and my desire to support the people, businesses, organizations, & associations that strive to make a difference and market themselves as “sustainable”.
True sustainability in my opinion is a service or product that can be sustained indefinitely in regards to the action or object being performed or created. Sustainability lasts forever, unsustainable activities have limitations. Someone is getting all fancy right now and thinking about how the sun is going to give out at some point and that nothing is truly sustainable. That sort of thinking is cherished here and most welcome, it highlights why these discussions are so tricky and deserve a soft heart, open ears, and a willingness to find understanding versus the desire to proclaim or have the answer.
There are many activities which are not sustainable in the long term which are called sustainable. This is the environment that we are existing within and need to find patience and dialogue to continue to strive forward.
My point to this minor rant is that I want us all to be honest, to own our actions, and do our best. It is ok to admit our short comings, this gives us room to grow and progress. We are incredible beings who have accomplished much and in the same breath we are comparable to toddlers discovering their environment and how it functions.
I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water and I don't want to green wash something in order to feel good. On this website we are going to push for a better tomorrow via honesty, compassion, humility, and awareness.