If the earth treated us the way we treat the earth Environmental Satire Video One of the best ways to break sensitive subjects into our conscious mind is with humor. The way we live is having major consequences on all species. Here is some environmental satire for a...
Astronomers have discovered variable stars that periodically dim and brighten at frequencies close to the famed golden mean February 9, 2015 |By Clara Moskowitz Scholars have seen the golden ratio in nautilus shells, the Parthenon, da Vinci paintings and now in stars....
Internship Opportunity Looking for an unforgettable & meaningful way to spend your summer? If you are a college student or have recently graduated and have a deep interest in natural resource management, we have the perfect opportunity for you!!! The Nature...
It's an information superhighway that speeds up interactions between a large, diverse population of individuals. It allows individuals who may be widely separated to communicate and help each other out. But it also allows them to commit new forms of crime. No, we're...
Amazing Podcast – Unlearn And Rewild Unlearn And Rewild is heart felt, thought provoking, and earth centered podcast that is definitely worth checking out.
At its first meeting of the year on Jan. 8, the Board of Regents (BOR) Budget and Finance Committee unanimously voiced support for divestment from fossil fuels. The conversation continued with the full board on Jan. 22 addressing the appointment of a task group and...