Includes an individual Ultrasound Bone Density Screening
Dr. Kenneth Howayeck, a board certified foot and ankle surgeon, will be teaching this lecture and answering questions you may have about bone health. He will also be conducting individual bone density screnings. He is the author of various self-care books including “Bone Health Made Easy”.
Having been in private practice over 22 years as a board certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon and surgical instructor, Dr. Howayeck in recent years has dedicated himself to the identification and effective counseling needed to best address osteoporosis and its onset. His most recent book is entitled Bone Health Made Easy. As a sought-after speaker who attracts many through his comfortable teaching style and ability to clearly dispel the myths that continue to prevail with modern bone health, he founded Five Star Onsite Testing. Five Star’s bone health awareness and screening programs can be found in many clinics, public forums, and with those having a heightened appreciation for self-empowerment.
For more information, please call (808) 947-3249.
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