AWAKEN YOUR INNER FIRE on a 7-day sacred journey of self-expansion, empowerment, and exploration through yoga, dance, the art of flow, and transformational learning in the heart of Pele’s womb, where her beauty transforms and her pulse ignites within the most active volcano on earth.
We are thrilled to offer the FIRST transformational flow arts program of its kind! Immerse yourself in a unique program weaving the science and soul of yoga, dance, and the flow arts as revolutionary paths for somatic healing, transformation, and grace. Embody powerful techniques to cause miraculous shifts in all aspects of your life and on the planet. Open your mind and your heart to step playfully and gracefully into new, expanded, and inspired ways of being! Walk away with renewed clarity of what ignites your soul.
With Dr. Jinju Dasalla, Tracy Knowles, Una Viggiani And Nova Dasalla