Hawaiian Sanctuary is proud to present: Plant Aloha, a FREE educational series of sustainable farming classes. Every Thursday morning, from 9:00am until 12:30pm, led by local and visiting experts. Visit our website for more information:
Thursday, March 29th 2018 – 9:00am-12:30pm
Hawaiian Cuisine and Technique with Jessica Devendorf
Jess will cover easy to grow local food crops: taro, coconut, sweet potato, pumpkin, papaya, banana and more, as well as local proteins: Fish and Wild Boar! She will also teach some traditional Hawaiian cooking techniques: imu/steaming, salt curing, and fermentation/preservation.
Bio: Jess graduated from Le Cordon Bleu in Dallas TX 11 years ago. Since then she has been cooking professionally from the top restaurants in San Francisco to the mom and pop shops of Hilo, event catering, farmers markets, private chefing, and most recently hosting Farm-to-Table gatherings. She loves to share her passion and deep understanding of local food from this land we love so dearly.
Hawaiian Sanctuary – Laka Lounge
13-3194 Pahoa Kalapana Rd (Highway 130). Pahoa, HI 96778
Hawaii Island (Big Island)
Only about 1 Mile South of Pahoa Town.
Turn into the driveway at Mile Marker 12!
Each class starts promptly with a lecture and Q&A ~ Come prepared with notepad and writing utensil, closed toed shoes, sun hat, and gloves (for if the facilitator leads the group in a hands-on field-work activity).
Plant Aloha is supported, in part, by County of Hawaii Council Members: Eileen O’hara and Jennifer Ruggles.
We are still looking for support to complete and enhance this amazing project. Please give what you can: http://hawaiiansanctuary.com/donate
#hawaiiansanctuary #pahoa #hawaii #bigisland #puna #permaculture #sustainablefarming #sustainability #localfood #farmtotable #organicfarm #communityfarm #healthysoil #cooking