We’re so excited about this group of students from Lokelani Intermediate School! Their Future Farmer’s of America club is hosting a Plant and Produce Sale on Saturday, December 9th, at the Kihei Lipoa Farmers Market (in front of the Fabiani's restaurant on Lipoa Street).
Students are eager to reach their end of December fundraising goal to send four (or more!) students to attend the state FFA Agriculture conference on Hawaii Island. Come out and support them!
Students will practice their entrepreneurship skills, selling plants they propagated and produce they harvested from the Lokelani School Garden. Items for sale include: succulents and ornamentals, selected native plants and fruit trees, veggie starts (like kale and cherry tomato), worm castings, and produce: such as Dino and Russian Kale, Parsley, Basil, Beets, green onions, eggplant, Pigeon peas, lavender, and papayas). Nio Kindla