The fascia was classified as the largest organ system of the body in 2012. Your fascia has been determined to be the root cause of the majority of musculoskeletal ailments including: knee pain, shin splints, elbow tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and many more!
Anthony Chrisco BS , ACE, NASM PES, is co-owner of Your Body is Waiting LLC, and a Founding Member of the Fascia Research Society. He will be demonstrating his patent-pending Fascianator roller which is designed to help people maintain optimal functioning of their fascia. He will teach students firsthand how to use Fascianator rollers. These will be provided for the class and will be available for purchase for $55
$25/student, Registration Required
Register Now:
For more information, please call (808) 947-3249.
48 Hour Cancellation Policy for Refunds and Cancellations. Class will require reservations by at least 5 people. To make your reservation please call our Marketing Office at 947-3249 or sign up on Eventbrite. In the event of cancellation (3 days before event) everyone who signed up will be notified by email and phone. Walk-ins are welcome, however it's a good idea to call us to make sure event is still on.