February 25th- What is HealthySoil
March 11th- Site Selection and Soil Preparation
March 18th- Plant Selection and Plant Spacing
Cost: $15
In this educational series of gardening classes, Helmut Klauer will lead a lecture and gardening presentation. Learn what healthy soil consists of and how to grow your garden. Each class starts promptly with a lecture followed by hands-on gardening, so come prepared with a note pad and writing utensil, along with close-toed shoes, sunhat, and gloves.
Experienced organic farmer, Helmut Klauer is a Charter Member of the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF), and has been on various farms since 1971. From managing an eighty-acre organic farm on the Central Coast of California, to starting his own nine-acre organic farm and roadside stand called Classic Organic Farm & Market, Helmut has experiences and techniques to share. His basic philosophy is I don't grow plants, I grow soil and the soil grows the plants
Hawaiian Sanctuary – Laka Lounge
13-3194 Pahoa Kalapana Rd (Highway 130). Pahoa, HI 96778
Hawaii Island (Big Island)
Only about 1 Mile South of Pahoa Town.
Turn into the driveway at Mile Marker 12!
#hawaiiansanctuary #pahoa #hawaii #bigisland #puna #permaculture #sustainablefarming #sustainability #localfood #farmtotable #organicfarm #communityfarm #healthysoil #gardening