All of the nets that we have been removing from the beach and reefs have been stock piled waiting to collect enough to send to H-Power on Oahu to recycle for electricity rather than filling up the landfills. With the assistance of heavy equipment, we will be loading about 14 tons of nets into a Matson container to ship to Oahu. We would like everyone that has participated in any way and even those who haven’t participated yet but will in the future to come and have a small celebration for all our hard work to remove this debris from our reefs and beaches.
The equipment will do most of the work for us, but bring some gloves and rakes to pick up the small debris. After the debris is loaded in the container we will have a party and socialize for a little while. The refreshment will be provided. It is not necessary, but feel free to bring any other food items to share.
For more info Call 808-635-2593